My first little contribution to verse is something I call A BrachyOde. Brachy being Greek for “short”. My thought here was that there are subjects so great of import that they deserve the form of Ode, just a short one.

BrachyOde to a Commode I
Oh, little seat of sweet repose
recipient of my most passionate throes
praise be these are not pioneer times
and seventy paces in arctic climes
BrachyOde to a Commode II
Oh, heavenly seat of night’s before
you rise a thousand feet from the floor
I lay staring up from plentiful libation
it seems…installing indoor irrigation
BrachyOde to a Commode III
Oh porcelain, you and you alone are privvy
to the wondrous danse-macabre sans skivvies
the squats and leaps that beg release
the tears of joy when the music’s cease.
Max Stadnyk