From deep within enemy held territory; in the battle for your mind, body, soul and the planet…you are The Warrior Rising.
Welcome, Warriors! What are the practical steps to a natural home, a natural life and achieving your purpose? Join us as we explore and identify guideposts and milestones to help one you achieve your goals.
What is it to be a man or a woman in today’s world? What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life? What is truth? Here and on our upcoming podcasts we will tackle these issues. We will also be bringing you knowledge on how to navigate life as the man and woman stewards that we were entrusted to be.
Whether you were lucky enough to experience your own personal rite of passage into self mastery and your search for truth, or if you are seeking them now, we are here to help. Together, we seek the truth. To pursue slow knowledge while slowing life down to the essentials of human health, wealth and happiness; which are food, clothing, shelter and family; and to free ourselves of debts and fear.
Have a podcast idea, article, video, interview or business to promote? Get in here and share!